What to Pack for Sri Lanka 10 Essentials You Need When Exploring the Island – Any adventure begins with some packing 

No matter where in the world you are or how experienced a traveller you may be, there is always something religious about the experience of packing for a trip. This process is where you set an intention and envision each step of the journey so take your time and plan! 

Bring along your documents 

When it comes to visiting a country such as Sri Lanka one of the first things you need to do is to bring along your travel documents and identification. This will play a huge role in ensuring that you have access to certain amenities as well as help you should you find yourself stranded, lost or in trouble with the law. 

Additionally, since many people will be travelling during the pandemic, it is recommended to keep your vaccination cards close as well. If you do not feel safe about carrying the originals of each document, then bring along some copies that can help you should the need arise. 

If you are staying at a hillside hotel such as the Farm Resorts, be sure to book a room that has a safe to store the original documents. 

Keep a rain jacket and umbrella on hand 

One thing that many people tend to miss out on is that living on a tropical island means that rainfall can come with very little warning. If you are away from the city and travelling around, it would be best to bring along some form of protection against the rain. A good reason for this is that rainstorms can sometimes last for at least an hour and it is no fun at all to be stuck indoors simply because you did not plan ahead. 

Do not forget the mosquito repellent 

If you are coming to visit a tropical island, there is simply no point complaining about mosquitoes. They are everywhere and they will bite you. The best thing that you can do is bring along mosquito repellent to use as the sun starts setting.  

Another thing to keep in mind is that the sun can become a little overwhelming so for the sake of your skin, bring with you a healthy dose of sunscreen. 

Sandals suggested 

In Sri Lanka, there are plenty of times when you will need to take off your shoes when you enter either a home or religious establishment. Therefore, with convenience in mind, a sturdy pair of sandals may come in handy. What is more, the added ventilation is nothing to scoff at either, although it may not exactly be a fashion statement. 

Prepare for the warm weather 

In this hot and humid climate, light clothing that reflects the sunshine is going to be your best friend. It will help you stay cool and will also be easy to wash and dry should the need arise. When visiting the island, please keep in mind that there will be various conservative cultural norms that need to be respected so steer clear of revealing attire when in public. 

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